Later in the afternoon 9 of us came together for the #IdesOfTrump postcard writing party, supporting an international campaign to flood the White House with postcards, mailed on the Ides of March, expressing our discontent with the regime. Even though we know most of these postcards will be discarded, it was incredibly cathartic to sit down with like-minded friends and express our frustration and tell the president what we think of his policies and character.
Then on Sunday, April 16th, 17 members of our community got together for Activist Sunday, to work for positive change. We took this quiz to learn our activist archetypes. On this measure, there are four activist archetypes:
The Indispensable: This archetype represents the quiet, often unseen, support team that keeps things running smoothly. They are the backbone of a movement, providing essential resources and support, and their contributions are just as crucial as those of the more visible activists.
The Producer: This archetype has the big picture in mind, assigning tasks and ensuring all the pieces are in place. They are the organizers who see the whole picture and delegate tasks to others.
The Organizer: This archetype takes on specific tasks assigned by the Producer and sees them through to completion. They are the implementers, turning plans into action.
The Headliner: This archetype is the visible face of the movement, leading and speaking out on behalf of the cause. They are the ones who often grab the spotlight and inspire others to action.