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Building Community Beyond Belief, Exercising Progressive Values, and Defending Separation of Church and State

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Photo of 3 "In Reason We Trust" license plates

"In Reason We Trust" South Carolina License Plates

South Carolina offers license plates with the motto “In God We Trust” at no additional charge. In 2003 one of our members, Bill Dusenberry, came up with the idea that we should get our own plates with the motto “In Reason We Trust.” We applied and were approved for the specialty plates. Anyone with a car registered in SC can order an “In Reason We Trust” plate from the DMV. The plate number for our specialty plates all begin with FT for “Free Thinker”.

From the following link, verify that you meet the state requirements, then click the “Next” button at the bottom of the page.

Click on “Exchange Plate for a New Plate Design”. Fill out the form with the information from your current registration. When you get to the screen where you choose the plate design, shown in the screen capture below, you are looking for “IN REASON WE TRUST”.

The cost for the new plate is $30 plus fees.