ISSUE: December 2002Edited by Sharon Fratepietro and Sharon Strong
December Meeting: SHL's Annual Holiday Potluck! Saturday, December 21, will be potluck party time at Warren and Pat McCarl's house. Starting at 5 p.m., we'll celebrate our friendship with a purely social meeting. What to contribute? Any food and/or beverage you like. Somehow it all seems to work out so everyone gets lots of choices in the five basic food groups�appetizers, salads, entrees, veggies and desserts. Also, as usual, bring along any re-sellable books you want to donate for our freethought, bargain-book auction, with Herb Silverman serving as persuasive auctioneer. (All proceeds will go into the SHL treasury, so plan to buy a book too, if possible.) Do plan to be there. And we specially invite the people on our mailing list who rarely, if ever, come to a meeting, as well as past speakers who are not members. Please note there will be no meeting in December at Gage Hall, but we will return there in January with another speaker and discussion. |